Linda Lantieri, MA
Senior Program Advisor, Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Adjunct Assistant Professor, Columbia University, Teachers College
Linda Lantieri, MA has been in the field of education for almost 50 years in a variety of capacities: classroom teacher, assistant principal, director of a middle school in East Harlem, and faculty member at Hunter College and presently at Teachers College, Columbia University. She is a Fulbright Scholar and internationally known speaker in the areas of Social and Emotional Learning, Contemplative Teaching and Learning and Spirituality in k-12 Education.
Linda has recently cofounded the Transformative Educational Leadership (TEL) Program for educational leaders who desire to lead from the inside out by integrating Mindfulness and Social, Emotional & Ethical Learning through an equity lens in the service of systemic change in education. She currently serves as the Senior Program Advisor for TEL.
Linda is one of the co-founders for the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL). She is also core faculty of the Spirituality Mind Body Intensive which is part of a special M.A. Degree Program at Teachers College, Columbia University. She has been involved with designing and leading the concentration in Spirituality in k-12 Education since its beginning in 2014.
For 15 years, she served as the Founding Director of The Inner Resilience Program whose mission is to cultivate the inner lives of k-12 students, teachers and schools by integrating social and emotional learning with contemplative practice.
Linda is the author of numerous articles and book chapters and coauthor of Waging Peace in Our Schools (Beacon Press, 1996) editor of Schools with Spirit: Nurturing the Inner Lives of Children and Teachers (Beacon Press, 2001), author of Building Emotional Intelligence: Practices to Cultivate Inner Resilience in Children (Sounds True, 2008, 2014).