Gregory Kramer, Ph.D.
Founder and Guiding Teacher, Metta Programs, Developer of the Insight Dialogue meditation practice
Gregory Kramer, Ph.D. has been teaching insight meditation since 1980. He developed the relational meditation practice of Insight Dialogue (ID) and has taught ID and dharma contemplation retreats in North America, Asia, Europe, and Australia since 1995. He is the founding and guiding teacher of Metta Programs. Mr. Kramer studied with esteemed teachers, including Anagarika Dhammadina, Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thero, Achan Sobin Namto, and Ven. Punnaji Maha Thero. Prior to becoming a dharma teacher, he worked as both an audio technology researcher and as a Professor of Music Composition at NYU. His books include: Insight Dialogue: The Interpersonal Path to Freedom, Seeding the Heart: Practicing Lovingkindness with Children, and Dharma Contemplation: Meditating Together with Wisdom Texts.