Dr. Tyrone C. Howard
Uplifting All Children to Cultivate Critical Wellness: Race and Culture Matter
The Glenbard Parent Series: (GPS) Navigating Healthy Families will host scholar and professor Tyrone C. Howard, Ph.D. in a presentation of “Uplifting All Children to Cultivate Critical Wellness: Race and Culture Matter” at 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 25. Go to glenbardgps.org for the link to this webinar. Questions may be submitted to gilda_ross@glenbard.org prior to the event.
All students deserve the best. Yet inequities abound, and those who experience racial inequity, toxic stressors, homelessness and other major life-traumas sometimes do not receive the help they need. Students deserve adults who understand that student learning will not be maximized until social emotional wellness is prioritized and the most vulnerable students receive assistance and encouragement.
Howard will share a multilayered approach to think across racial and cultural differences to create an inclusive, affirming, respectful environment that supports students and their families holistically. He focuses on the psychological factors that influence the learning process. He will outline how to demonstrate to young people that they matter and they can thrive and reach their full potential.
Howard is an expert on race, equity and access in education. He is a professor of education in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies and the associate dean for equity, diversity and inclusion at UCLA. He is also the director and founder of the Black Male Institute at UCLA. His bestsellers include Race, Culture, and the Achievement Gap and All Students Must Thrive – Transforming Schools to Combat Toxic Stressors and Cultivate Critical Wellness.
GPS is generously sponsored by the Cebrin Goodman Center, Community Consolidated School District 93 Birth to 5 Community Coalition, Cooperative Association for Special Education (CASE), College of DuPage, DuPage Medical Group, Emmy Gaffey Foundation, Glenbard Early Childhood Collaborative, Holiday Inn/Carol Stream, Kiwanis Clubs of District 9, and Prevention Leadership Team of the DuPage County Health Department.
For further information, visit glenbardgps.org or contact Gilda Ross, Glenbard District 87 student and community projects coordinator, at 630-942-7668 or gilda_ross@glenbard.org.
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