Lindsay Currie, Keir Graff, Kate Hannigan
The Book Stall is delighted to present an online Crowdcast Conversation with Chicago-based authors Lindsay Currie (Scritch Scratch) Keir Graff (The Tiny Mansion) and Kate Hannigan (Mask) as they talk about writing, contemporary kid-lit, and their new books. Moderated by Events Coordinator Robert McDonald, this fast-paced conversation will introduce kids, parents, and educators to our panelists’ new books, and give everyone advice from the experts on the art and craft of making stories. A few attendees will win free books by our guest authors! This event is free and open to the public and recommended for ages 8 – adult. Register at:
We ask that you support us by buying these books from The Book Stall. Big box stores and online retail giants don’t need your help in the current climate. (They also don’t create cool free panel events for you.) We need your support, and we DO continue to provide fun, free and educational programs for our community!
Meet Our Panelists:
LINDAY CURRIE lives in Chicago with her husband and three kids. She’s loves coffee, Halloween, Disney World and things that go bump in the night! She is also the author of The Peculiar Incident on Shady Street. Visit her online at Her new book is Scritch Scratch, a ghost story based on real Chicago history. R.L. Stine, author of the Goosebumps series, says, “This is a teeth-chattering, eyes bulging, shuddering-and-shaking, chills-at-the-back-of-your-neck ghost story. I loved it!”
KEIR GRAFF is the author of the middle grade novels The Phantom Tower, The Matchstick Castle, and The Other Felix, and a handful of books for grown-ups. Keir lives in Chicago with his wife, Marya, his sons, Felix and Cosmo, and two cats, Toothless and Totoro. Learn more at and follow him on Twitter @keirgraff. His new book is The Tiny Mansion. Booklist calls it “A compelling coming-of-age journey–sometimes carefree, sometimes emotional–of family, reconciliation, and finding yourself.”
KATE HANNIGAN’s picture book biography, A Lady Has the Floor, received four starred reviews and was named a Junior Library Guild Selection. In addition to the 2016 Golden Kite Award for Middle Grade Fiction, The Detective’s Assistant also received two starred reviews and was a Booklist Editor’s Choice, among many other accolades. Kate is an involved, vocal, and respected member of the kid lit community. Visit her online at or on social; media @KateChicago. Her new book, Mask, is the second in a series of about three young women who are superheroes during World War Two.
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