Carl Obeng from 1Point86
Setting Up for Success in Special Education
Belonging hosts Carllistus Obeng of 1Point86 on September 26, 2024, from 7 to 8 p.m. (CST) for Reaching Diverse Learners: Setting Up for Success in Special Education, via Zoom.
This event, designed for parents, guardians (+interested educators), will equip you with practical strategies that can be immediately applied to help your advocacy. Carllistus help guide us to ensuring setup and effective implementation of special education services.
Key topics include:
1. Understanding Evaluations and Plans: Tips on making meaning of interpreting evaluations and understanding how to advocate.
2. Setting Up Special Education Services: Make sure your child’s services are aligned and that collaboration with school staff is vital.
3. Q&A Session: Get your specific questions answered.
Register now to empower every learner!
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