Matt Cohen, J.D.
Rights and Services for Gifted Education
If you have a gifted or a twice exceptional student, you may be wondering, what are your legal rights when it comes to education, including both academics and services. Maybe you are half way through the school year and the first half didn’t go so well. What can be done now to save the school year? How can you get off to a fresh start with the teacher and with the administration? Who can help? We will cover options for private and public schools and try to help you come up with a game-changer plan. Can any differentiation be put into place? What are your options for next year? All this, and more.
Matt Cohen, J.D. founder of Matt Cohen & Associates, LLC and Irene Gottlieb will lead the panel. Matt Cohen & Associates is a law firm specializing in special education, disability rights, and human services law. Irene is a founder of MAGE and the parent of three gifted children.
Register on the Chicago Gifted Community Center web site:
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Olga Khazan
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