Matthew K. Nock, Ph.D.
Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology, and Director, Nock Lab, Harvard University
Recent Advances in the Understanding, Prediction, and Prevention of Suicidal Behavior
Suicide is a devastating and perplexing behavior and continues to be the second leading cause of death among those ages 15-34 years old. Fortunately, recent research has made significant advances in our understanding of suicide and our ability to predict and prevent it. This presentation will review what is currently known about why people try to kill themselves, how to identify those at risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and what treatments are most effective at preventing these concerning outcomes.
Upcoming Events
Determined: A Science of Life without Free Will
Robert Sapolsky, Ph.D.
John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn Professor of Biology, Neurology, and Neurosurgery at Stanford University
Oliver Burkeman
New York TImes bestselling author and former columnist for The Guardian
Inspire: The Universal Path for Leading Yourself and Others
Adam Galinsky, Ph.D.
Paul Calello Professor of Leadership and Ethics at Columbia Business School
Amy C. Edmondson, Ph.D.
Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School
99% Perspiration: A New Working History of the American Way of Life
Adam Chandler
Journalist and author
Kathy Gilsinan
Author and a senior editor at Puck News