Marc Brackett, Ph.D.
Founding director, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, and professor, Child Study Center, Yale School of Medicine.
Grand Rounds: Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves, and Our Society Thrive
In his 25 years as an emotion scientist, Marc Brackett, Ph.D., author of the insightful and compelling new book Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves, and Our Society Thrive, has developed a remarkably effective plan to improve the lives of children and adults – a blueprint for understanding our emotions and using them wisely so that they help, rather than hinder, our success and well-being. He has led large research teams to investigate the roots of emotional well-being. His prescription for healthy children (and their parents, teachers, and schools) is a system called RULER, a high-impact and fast-effect approach to understanding and mastering emotions that has already transformed thousands of schools nationwide. RULER has been proven to reduce stress and burnout, improve school climate, and enhance academic achievement.
Carol Dweck, Ph.D. (FAN ’11 and ’14) notes: “We often create a false dichotomy between thinking and feeling. In this dichotomy, thinking is important, strong, and adaptive, but feeling is not. Marc Brackett shows us how emotions – and our ability to feel, understand, and use them – are key to fulfilling our potential.”
NOTE: Dr. Brackett will speak at two events on Tuesday, October 1, 2019,
Event 1: 7:00 PM, New Trier High School, Northfield Campus, Cornog Auditorium, 7 Happ Rd., Northfield.
Event 2: Grand Rounds Presentation, 9:00-10:30 AM, New Trier High School, Northfield Campus, Cornog Auditorium, 7 Happ Rd., Northfield. NOTE: The Grand Rounds talk is open to the general public — only those guests seeking CEU credits need pre-register.
Event Sponsors
- Beacon Academy
- Chiaravalle Montessori School
- Countryside Day School
- The Cove School
- Family Service Center
- Family Service of Glencoe
- Foundation 65
- Francis W. Parker School
- Fusion Academy
- Glencoe D35
- Glencoe PTO
- Haven Youth and Family Services
- Lake Forest Country Day School
- New Trier High School D203
- Roycemore School
- Science & Arts Academy
- ServerCentral Turing Group
- The Family Institute at Northwestern University
- Winnetka D36
- Youth & Opportunity United (Y.O.U.)
- YWCA Evanston/North Shore

Upcoming Events
Shift: Managing Your Emotions — So They Don’t Manage You (Event #2 of 2)
Ethan Kross, Ph.D.
Professor, Management & Organizations, Ross School of Business, and Director of the Emotion and Self Control Lab, University of Michigan
Heidi Stevens
Chicago-based writer and Director of External Affairs for the University of Chicago’s TMW Center for Early Learning + Public Health
North Shore Country Day Auditorium
Note: Event start time is Central Time (CT).
Me, But Better: The Science and Promise of Personality Change
Olga Khazan
Staff writer for The Atlantic and author
Maria Konnikova
New York Times bestselling author, co-host of the Risky Business podcast, and international poker champion