Catherine Pearlman, Ph.D., LCSW
One Kind Act Begets Another/ How to Create a Culture of Kindness
What is the kindest thing you have ever done for a stranger? Join us and learn about Catherine Pearlman’s kidney donation to a stranger and much more.
Research shows that being kind measurably boosts happiness and well-being. A great number of benefits have been reported to support teaching kindness : increased peer acceptance, a greater sense of belonging, better concentration and creative thinking to improve results at home and school. Kindness helps us be our best by doing and inspiring acts of kindness that can change the world and us for the better.
Dr. Pearlman is an assistant professor in the social work program at Brandman University, a nationally syndicated columnist, and the best-selling author of Ignore It: Increase Parenting Satisfaction by Selectively Looking the Other Way.
GPS is generously sponsored by the Cebrin Goodman Center, Community Consolidated School District 93 Birth to 5 Community Coalition, Cooperative Association for Special Education (CASE), College of DuPage, DuPage Medical Group, Emmy Gaffey Foundation, Glenbard Early Childhood Collaborative, Holiday Inn/Carol Stream, Kiwanis Clubs of Division 9, and the Prevention Leadership Team of the DuPage County Health Department. Additional support for this event comes from the Glen Ellyn Public Library.
For further information, visit or contact Gilda Ross, Glenbard District 87 student and community projects coordinator, at 630-942-7668 or
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Untethered: Creating Connected Families, Schools, and Communities to Raise a Resilient Generation
Doug Bolton, Ph.D.
Clinical psychologist and educational leader and consultant
Lisa Damour, Ph.D.
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