Peggy Orenstein
Navigating the Landscape of Teen Relationships and Sexuality
The Glenbard Parent Series: (GPS) Navigating Healthy Families in partnership with College of DuPage will present Navigating the Landscape of Teen Relationships and Sexuality with author Peggy Orenstein at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17. Use this link to log in to this webinar from your computer, phone, or tablet:
Teens are constantly subjected to distorted images and stereotypes, which affect how they navigate the rules of physical and emotional intimacy.
Orenstein will discuss the myths that have seeped into young people’s lives and how teens are handling it. She will examine the expectations, pressures and trends in today’s society and discuss “hookup culture,” sex education, consent and the painful realities surrounding assault. Orenstein will help us better understand our adolescents as we encourage them to become their best selves.
Orenstein is an internationally recognized authority on the sexuality-based challenges facing teens and their parents as teens come of age. Orenstein is the author of The New York Times best-sellers Girls & Sex: Navigating from Shame and Regret to Integrity and Joy and Boys & Sex: Young Men on Hookup Culture, Love, Consent and Becoming a Better Man.
GPS is generously sponsored by the Cebrin Goodman Center, Community Consolidated School District 93 Birth to 5 Community Coalition, Cooperative Association for Special Education (CASE), College of DuPage, DuPage Medical Group, Emmy Gaffey Foundation, Glenbard Early Childhood Collaborative, Holiday Inn/Carol Stream, Kiwanis Clubs of District 9, and Prevention Leadership Team of the DuPage County Health Department. This event is co-sponsored by Northwestern Medicine Behavioral Health at Central DuPage Hospital.
For further information, visit or contact Gilda Ross, Glenbard District 87 student and community projects coordinator, at 630-942-7668 or
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