Life as a QuaranTEEN: Youth Mental Health Post-Pandemic
Date and Time:
May 25 2021 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Note: Event start time is Central Time (CT).


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Lisa Damour, Ph.D.

Psychologist, New York Times bestselling author, and "Ask Lisa" podcast co-host

Saul Arnow

Chair, Mental Health Working Group of the city of Chicago’s Mayor’s Youth Commission

Margo Cicero

Vice-Chair, Mental Health Working Group of the city of Chicago’s Mayor’s Youth Commission

Life as a QuaranTEEN: Youth Mental Health Post-Pandemic

Activism | Adolescence | Advice | Covid-19 | Culture | Education | Empathy | Mental Health | Psychology | Public Health | Stress | Well Being | Youth

On top of the usual struggles of adolescence, young people have spent the last year adjusting to remote learning, disruptions to social lives, minor disappointments, and major losses. While we look towards the light of a post pandemic world, a whole new set of mental health concerns are emerging. How do we even think about approaching these challenges?

New York Times columnist and American Psychological Association thought leader Lisa Damour, Ph.D. brings inspiring, practical advice about obstacles and opportunities for our mental health post-pandemic and skills we can use to foster a resilient rebound. In a youth-centered, youth-moderated conversation, Dr. Damour will outline strategies young people, and those who care for them, can use to support their mental health.

Dr. Damour is the author of two New York Times bestselling books, Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood and Under Pressure: Confronting the Epidemic of Stress and Anxiety in Girls.

She writes the monthly Adolescence column for the New York Times, co-hosts the Ask Lisa podcast, appears as a regular contributor to CBS News, works in collaboration with UNICEF, and serves on the Advisory Board for Parents magazine.

Dr. Damour will be in conversation with Saul Arnow and Margo Cicero, chair and vice-chair, respectively on the Mental Health Working Group of the city of Chicago’s Mayor’s Youth Commission. Mr Arnow is a junior at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, and Ms. Cicero is a junior at Whitney Young Magnet High School, both in Chicago.

The Mayor’s Youth Commission is made up of 25 high school and college students who were nominated by Chicago-based community organizations and represent neighborhoods and schools across the city. The inaugural class of Youth Commissioners was charged with developing a vision and youth-focused agenda for the Mayor’s administration and will now be a key voice in the city’s post-COVID recovery efforts.

This event suitable for all ages. It will be recorded and available later on our website and YouTube channel.


BONUS AFTER-HOURS EVENT: The general public is invited to attend a special free AFTER-HOURS event hosted by Damour, Arnow, and Cicero that will start immediately after the webinar. No book purchase required! Details on the webinar registration page.