Jyl Bonaguro
Jyl Bonaguro: Tabula Rasa Inflight
The Evanston Art Center (EAC) is excited to welcome the public to our upcoming exhibition, Jyl Bonaguro: Tabula Rasa Inflight. The exhibition will be on display from November 4 – December 17, 2023, and will be free and open to the public.
“Sculpture, from the Latin word meaning to carve, is an ancient art form, allowing for the expression of human ideas in three dimensions. People were carving stone with their hands long before they were using them to record language. A powerful conveyor of thoughts and beliefs, sculpture remains a prominent art form today, and in a world where new materials and technological advances have expanded the boundaries of the medium, Jyl Bonaguro remains true to traditional methods and techniques, looking to classical antiquity and its Renaissance rebirth as a source of inspiration.” by Leslie Scattone
EXHIBITION DATES: November 4 – December 17, 2023
OPENING RECEPTION: Sunday, November 12th, 2023, 1 pm–4pm
GALLERY HOURS: Monday–Thursday, 9 am–6 pm; Friday, 9 am–5 pm; Saturday and Sunday, 9 am–4 pm
For more information, please visit us online at www.evanstonartcenter.org or contact Emma Rose Gudewicz, Director of Development and Exhibition Manager, at (847) 475-5300 or egudewicz@evanstonartcenter.org.
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Doug Bolton, Ph.D.
Clinical psychologist and educational leader and consultant
Lisa Damour, Ph.D.
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