Rick Rosenfeld, President, Journey Softly
“Journey Softly: How to Return to International Travel” (in person and Zoom event)
Many of you will recognize Rick Rosenfeld’s name from his volunteer efforts helping seniors find vaccine appointments in the spring, for his current efforts on behalf of Afghan refugees who will be resettling in the Chicago area or maybe for his former role as Executive Director of Hands of Peace. But did you know that Rick has been recognized nationally for his expertise in international travel safety and risk management?
Glenview Community Church is excited to be welcoming Rick to our GCC Speakers Forum on Wednesday, September 29 at 7 p.m. Rick, who is the president of Journey Softly, will be answering the question “what does safe return to international travel look like?” There is so much pent-up demand to get on a plane and go somewhere overseas, but travelers obviously have a lot of questions. Rick will make recommendations that will allow each of you to determine the right time for you to resume your global journeys. This important event is open to the public and there are both in-person and Zoom options. For those who attend in person, there is an optional intergenerational dinner at GCC one hour before the start of the program.
While no RSVP is required to attend in person, if you wish to join via Zoom, please register in advance at
We hope to see you there in person or on line! This is a free event.
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