Vinita Bhojwani-Patel, Ph.D.
IQ Testing: Understanding the Process
Meet psychologist Vinita Bhojwani-Patel, Ph.D. at Science & Arts Academy on November 15 to learn more how IQ testing helps parents identify a child’s unique needs and talents.
Dr. Patel will equip parents with all of the information they need to better understand the various subtests used to determine IQ, the domain areas within those subtests, achievement versus ability in children, as well as testing validity and reliability.
Dr. Vinita Bhojwani-Patel is a licensed school psychologist who has spent the last several years working with school-aged students who are experiencing academic challenges or are in need of learning support, including gifted students. Dr. Patel has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s degree in Education, and a Doctorate in School Psychology from Loyola University of Chicago. She has experience as both a school psychologist and educational consultant, and has been in private practice for over 12 years.
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