Gregory Kramer, Ph.D.
Founder and Guiding Teacher, Metta Programs, Developer of the Insight Dialogue meditation practice
Insight Dialogue: Deepening the Inquiry
This two-day non-residential retreat allows for even deeper exploration of the nature of the human condition, with a focus on reaching those at the front lines of helping people at sensitive points in their lives, where wisdom and compassion can make a difference. Co-taught with Phyllis Hicks, D.Min., Senior Teacher, Metta Programs.
NOTE: This retreat meets on two days, Saturday, April 25, 2015 from 9:00 AM-9:00PM and Sunday, April 26, 2015 from 9:00AM-4:00PM.

Upcoming Events
Shift: Managing Your Emotions — So They Don’t Manage You (Event #1 of 2)
Ethan Kross, Ph.D.
Professor, Management & Organizations, Ross School of Business, and Director of the Emotion and Self Control Lab, University of Michigan
Daniel Pink
#1 New York Times bestselling author
Shift: Managing Your Emotions — So They Don’t Manage You (Event #2 of 2)
Ethan Kross, Ph.D.
Professor, Management & Organizations, Ross School of Business, and Director of the Emotion and Self Control Lab, University of Michigan
Heidi Stevens
Chicago-based writer and Director of External Affairs for the University of Chicago’s TMW Center for Early Learning + Public Health
North Shore Country Day Auditorium
Note: Event start time is Central Time (CT).
Me, But Better: The Science and Promise of Personality Change
Olga Khazan
Staff writer for The Atlantic and author
Maria Konnikova
New York Times bestselling author, co-host of the Risky Business podcast, and international poker champion