Kate Versage, IYIP program manager
Illinois Youth Investment Program Informational Meeting
Haven Youth and Family Services is embarking on a new outreach opportunity. The agency has launched the Illinois Youth Investment Program (IYIP) to service at-risk youth between 16-24. The event will be an informal Q&A session about the new program and what it has to offer.
IYIP includes:
Full and part-time paid job placements, long-term employment opportunities.
Case manager providing an individualized case plan, counseling, identity seminars, and leadership development.
Life skills enhancement opportunities:
Job readiness, positive work identity, personal finance, budgeting, and more.
Questions can be directed to: Kate Versage, IYIP Program Manager, 224-436-8002, kate@havenforyouth.org
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Untethered: Creating Connected Families, Schools, and Communities to Raise a Resilient Generation
Doug Bolton, Ph.D.
Clinical psychologist and educational leader and consultant
Lisa Damour, Ph.D.
Psychologist, New York Times bestselling author, and "Ask Lisa" podcast co-host