Joia Adele Crear-Perry, MD, FACOG and Diana Rauner, Ph.D.
Human Rights & Better Health Outcomes
The United States continues to report the highest rates of maternal mortality for birth parents when compared to 10 similarly wealthy countries – many of these deaths are preventable. The reality is that systemic racism and inequity contribute greatly to higher rates of maternal death among Black women. Nationally recognized as a voice on perinatal equity, Joia Adele Crear-Perry, MD, FACOG, will discuss the impact of social determinants and human rights on health outcomes for mothers and babies.
Sponsored by Start Early (formerly, The Ounce of Prevention Fund)
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Untethered: Creating Connected Families, Schools, and Communities to Raise a Resilient Generation
Doug Bolton, Ph.D.
Clinical psychologist and educational leader and consultant
Lisa Damour, Ph.D.
Psychologist, New York Times bestselling author, and "Ask Lisa" podcast co-host