Evanston Art Center: Exhibition and Opening Reception – Paul Verburg & Jack Demuth
EXHIBITION DATES: January 10 – February 18, 2024
OPENING RECEPTION: Sunday, January 14, 2024; 1–4 pm
GALLERY HOURS: Monday–Thursday, 9 am–6 pm; Friday, 9 am–5 pm; Saturday and Sunday, 9 am–4 pm
The Evanston Art Center (EAC) is excited to welcome the public to an exhibition featuring works by artists Paul Verburg and Jack Demuth.
About the works of Paul Verburg:
“The work in this show came about during and after my relocation from Arizona to Michigan. In 2019, with my studio packed up and in transit, oil painting became impractical. I had to find new ways to work, so I began working with pen and ink on acrylic mono prints. This opened new avenues of thinking and got me back into drawing. Then COVID happened, and lockdowns ensued. Isolation and introspection became my norm. This work is contemplative. I constantly questioned myself and the way things were. My challenge was not to merely combine images and ideas but to work within the intersections of disparate themes, breaking down the figure, the landscape, and natural elements into abstracted patterns and shapes thereby redefining and developing my own personal narrative.” – Paul Verburg
About the works of Jack Demuth:
“This series of self-portraits is dedicated to all the birds I shot while living on my grandparents’ Iowa farm. The shooting began when I was old enough to cock and load a BB gun and continued until we moved into town and I began high school. Shooting birds was just something I did. My grandmother told me that birds made a lovely sound so why did I shoot them? My grandfather kept buying me boxes of bbs. This collection of self-portrait drawings integrated with bird illustrations represent my exploration and reflection on that particular passage of time.” – Jack Demuth
Verburg and Demuth’s works will be exhibited in the Second Floor Atrium Gallery of the Art Center. The opening reception is free and open to the public. This exhibition is partially funded by the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency, and the EAC’s general membership.
Evanston Art Center, a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization, is dedicated to fostering the appreciation and expression of the arts among diverse audiences. The Art Center offers extensive and innovative instruction in broad areas of artistic endeavor through classes, exhibitions, interactive arts activities, and community outreach initiatives.
Evanston Art Center is located at 1717 Central Street, Evanston, IL. Evanston Art Center Gallery Hours: Monday –Thursday 9am – 6pm; Friday 9am – 5pm, Saturday and Sunday 9am – 4pm. First and second floor gallery spaces are accessible. Limited free parking is available.
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