Pedro Noguera, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Education, Graduate School of Education and Information Sciences, UCLA
Education for a Changing Society
The 7:00 PM event topic, Education for a Changing Society, will examine the ways in which diversity related to race, language, culture and language continue to influence patterns of inequality and social relations in American society. For the past twenty years, American policymakers have chosen to rely almost exclusively on schools to address the issue of racial inequality and demographic change. However, educators have been provided with relatively little guidance in how to do this work. This presentation will describe strategies that could be pursued to counter and reduce racial inequality and improve relationships across social boundaries.
NOTE: Pedro Noguera also spoke at an earlier 4:00 PM event at Elm Place Middle School, on the topic, Equity and Deeper Learning.
Upcoming Events
Inspire: The Universal Path for Leading Yourself and Others
Adam Galinsky, Ph.D.
Paul Calello Professor of Leadership and Ethics at Columbia Business School
Amy C. Edmondson, Ph.D.
Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School
99% Perspiration: A New Working History of the American Way of Life
Adam Chandler
Journalist and author
Kathy Gilsinan
Author and a senior editor at Puck News