Rachel Simmons
Enough as They Are: Helping Teens Move Beyond the Impossible Standards of Success
Today’s teens may seem more successful yet they’ve also never struggled more with anxiety, stress and depression. Author Rachel Simmons exposes the dilemma of a narrow, unattainable vision of ‘success’, translates the toxic messages that teens have internalized, and provides the tools young people need to practice self-compassion, and pursue purpose to let them know they are enough as they are.
Ms. Simmons has been researching young woman for two decades and is the author of Enough As She Is and the New York Times bestsellers Odd Girl Out and The Curse of the Good Girl. Here Simmons will share the strategies to help girls and boys overcome brutal self-criticism, an acute fear of failure and feelings that they will never be smart enough, successful enough, attractive enough, thin enough, popular enough, or sexy enough. Join us and learn practical parenting advice—including teaching teens how to manage overthinking, resist the constant urge to compare themselves to peers, take healthy risks, navigate negative elements of social media, prioritize self-care, and seek support when needed to not just survive but thrive.
This presentation will be repeated at 12 p.m. on September 25 at the Marquardt School District 15 administration center, 1860 Glen Ellyn Rd. in Glendale Heights.
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