Dr. Cory Franklin and Dr. Robert A Weinstein
Cory Franklin and Robert A Weinstein Discuss “The Covid Diaries”
The Book Stall is pleased to welcome Cory Franklin, M.D. and Robert A Weinstein, M.D. to the store on Wednesday, June 26 at 6:30 pm. They will be discussing their new book, The Covid Diaries: 2020-2024: Anatomy of a Contagion as It Happened, a book of columns they wrote together and separately during the Covid contagion. This event is free with registration. To register, please visit our website or CLICK HERE.
More About the Book: The Covid Diaries traces the development of the pandemic from its earliest days until the beginning of 2024. The essays cover events as they occurred, and deal with controversial issues that arose, including how the pandemic spread, lockdowns, vaccines, masking, school openings, and the origins of the virus. The Covid Diaries offer perspectives on the different arguments and insight into topics like the varying mortality of Covid in different countries. It is an invaluable reference to laymen and medical professionals, as well as a contemporaneous historical account of one of the most important events of the 21st century.
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