Claudia Marchan - Executive Director for Northern Illinois Justice for Our Neighbors
Community Conversation – Welcoming the Stranger – Legal Rights and Advocacy
This is the first in a series of Community Conversations on Immigration hosted at Trinity United Methodist Church in Wilmette, IL. The series features experts, scholars, and community leaders to help us understand the challenges of immigration and inspire informed action. Claudia Marchan, Executive Director for Northern Illinois Justice for Our Neighbors shares her experience working with NIJFON and provide insights related to US and IL state laws and their impact on immigrants and communities.
Upcoming Events
Shift: Managing Your Emotions — So They Don’t Manage You (Event #2 of 2)
Ethan Kross, Ph.D.
Professor, Management & Organizations, Ross School of Business, and Director of the Emotion and Self Control Lab, University of Michigan
Heidi Stevens
Chicago-based writer and Director of External Affairs for the University of Chicago’s TMW Center for Early Learning + Public Health
North Shore Country Day Auditorium
Note: Event start time is Central Time (CT).
Me, But Better: The Science and Promise of Personality Change
Olga Khazan
Staff writer for The Atlantic and author
Maria Konnikova
New York Times bestselling author, co-host of the Risky Business podcast, and international poker champion