Lauren Bondy, LCSW, co-founder of Parenting Perspectives
Book Discussion: “Raising White Kids” by Jennifer Harvey
Join us for a compelling discussion of Jennifer Harvey’s book Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America. Led by Lauren Bondy, LCSW and co-founder of Parenting Perspectives. Participants will explore the effects on all families in our society resulting from how white children are raised. We will define the problems and challenges we face in raising white kids as well as look at the influences of white silence and how it creates racialized tension in white children. Most white parents lack good role models for discussing race. This group will allow parents to awkwardly stumble through conversation. Making mistakes in a non-judgmental environment is a first step towards discovering what white parents can do differently. Copies of the book are available for check out at the library. Registration required. Call 847-272-6224. Limited to 17 parents. Sponsored by the Northbrook Public Library and RAIN (Racial Awareness In the North Shore).
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