Dr. LaTarsha Green (Executive Director, Black Student Success, District 65), Dara Munson (President and CEO, Family Focus), and Bobby Burns (City of Evanston 5th Ward Councilmember).
Advocates for Action 5th Ward School Conversation
Join us for a live-streamed panel discussion about the learnings from the feasibility study for STEM School Evanston, a forthcoming public community school located in Evanston’s Central Core where children excel via deep engagement in all academic disciplines, especially in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Panelists will include Dr. LaTarsha Green (Executive Director, Black Student Success, District 65), Dara Munson (President and CEO, Family Focus), and Bobby Burns (City of Evanston 5th Ward Councilmember). After sharing the findings from the feasibility study, panelists will discuss the findings and hold a Q&A. No registration needed!
Please contact evanstonc2c@gmail.com if you have questions. This event is co-sponsored by Evanston/Skokie School District 65, Family Focus, the 5th Ward STEM School Advisory Board, the Evanston Cradle to Career Advocates for Action 2.0 (https://www.facebook.com/groups/EC2CA4A/about), and Radio La Différence.
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