10 to 25: The Science of Motivating Young People (Event 1 of 2)
Date and Time:
Sep 9 2024 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Evanston Township High School Auditorium
1600 Dodge Ave., Evanston, IL 60201


Note: Event start time is Central Time (CT).

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David Yeager, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin, and co-founder of the Texas Behavioral Science and Policy Institute

10 to 25: The Science of Motivating Young People (Event 1 of 2)

Adolescence | Advice | Behavior | Belonging | Career | Communication | Connection | Culture | Education | Empathy | Family | Identity | Leadership | Mental Health | Motivation | Neuroscience | Parenting | Psychology | Relationships | Stress | Well Being | Youth

BONUS BOOK GIVEAWAY of 10 to 25 at the event, while supplies last.

“David Yeager has spent his career designing experiments that inspire students to aim higher, persist longer, and achieve more. His engaging, data-driven book is filled with practical insights to turn you into a better motivator.” – Adam Grant, Ph.D. (FAN ’14, ’16)

10 to 25 offers actionable advice and real-life storytelling that’s beautifully written, comprehensive, and filled with warmth.” – Angela Duckworth, Ph.D. (FAN ’12, ’16)

Neuroscientists have discovered that around age ten, puberty spurs the brain to crave socially rewarding experiences, such as pride, admiration, and respect, and to become highly averse to social pain, such as humiliation or shame. As a result, young people are subtly reading between the lines of everything we say, trying to interpret the hidden implications of our words to find out if we are disrespecting or honoring them. Surprisingly, this sensitivity to status and respect continues into the mid-twenties. In his first book, 10 to 25: The Science of Motivating Young People, acclaimed developmental psychologist David Yeager, Ph.D. (FAN ’16) helps adults develop an ear for the difference between the right and wrong way to respect young people and avoid frustrating patterns of miscommunication and conflict.

Yeager explains how to adopt what he terms the mentor mindset, which is a leadership style attuned to young people’s need for status and respect. Anyone can adopt the mentor mindset by following a few highly effective and easy-to-learn practices such as validating young people’s perspectives (rather than dismissing them), asking them questions (rather than telling them what to do), being transparent about your beliefs and goals (rather than assuming that they will accurately guess your thoughts), and holding them to high standards (rather than coddling them). Yeager’s pioneering research and interventions have shown these practices reduce a wide variety of behavior problems, including school dropout, unhealthy eating, stress, purposelessness, mental health problems, and more.

This event is suitable for youth 12+. It will be recorded but not live streamed and will be available on FAN’s website and YouTube channel.


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