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Temple Grandin, Ph.D. May 21 2014

New York Times bestselling author, autism activist, and Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University

Different Kinds of Minds

Educator Event
Temple Grandin, Ph.D. May 21 2014

New York Times bestselling author, autism activist, and Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University

Autism and My Sensory-Based World

Hilary Levey Friedman, Ph.D. Apr 23 2014

Education Professor, Brown University and President of the Rhode Island chapter of the National Organization for Women (RI NOW)

Playing to Win: Raising Healthy, Competitive Children

Educator Event
Richard Weissbourd, Ed.D Oct 24 2013

Senior Lecturer in Education at Harvard Graduate School of Education

Promoting Moral Development In Schools

John Duffy, Psy.D. Jan 16 2020

Clinical psychologist and author of three parenting books

Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety

Grand Rounds Presentation
Peggy Orenstein Jan 14 2020

Bestselling author and contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine.

Grand Rounds: Boys and Sex: Navigating the New Masculinity

Peggy Orenstein Jan 13 2020

Bestselling author and contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine.

Boys and Sex: Navigating the New Masculinity