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Chicago-based writer and Director of External Affairs for the University of Chicago’s TMW Center for Early Learning + Public Health
Hunt, Gather, Parent: Raising Happy, Healthy, Little Humans
Two-time Academy Award and three-time Emmy Award winning actor
Stranger Care: A Memoir of Loving What Isn’t Ours
“Ask Polly” advice columnist on Substack, essayist, and author
Power, Agency, and Identity: Reflections on Girlhood
Producer, writer, speaker, and mindfulness meditation teacher
Love Without Reason
Author, travel writer, and award-winning syndicated radio host
Fans: How Watching Sports Makes Us Happier, Healthier and More Understanding
Senior Rabbi at North Shore Congregation Israel
The Empathy Diaries: An Evening with Sherry Turkle, Ph.D.
Best-selling author; professor of clinical psychology, Columbia University Medical Center; former president of PEN America.
Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family
Couples and family therapist and faculty member of the Marriage and Family Therapy Program atThe Family Institute at Northwestern University
What Matters Now: Emotional Balance and Core Needs in the Post-Pandemic Era
Professor of Psychology and of Management and Organizations, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University