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Abigail Gewirtz, Ph.D. Renee Dominguez, Ph.D. Oct 8 2020

Clinical psychologist and Executive Director, Family Service Center of Wilmette, Glenview, Northbrook and Kenilworth

When the World Feels Like a Scary Place: Essential Conversations for Anxious Parents and Worried Kids

Nancy Koehn, Ph.D. Manuel Cuevas-Trisán Sep 17 2020

Vice President and Chief Human Resource Officer, Northwestern University

Riding the Crisis Roller Coaster: Positioning Yourself Emotionally Amidst Volatility

Grand Rounds Presentation
Alexandra H. Solomon, Ph.D. Mar 4 2020

Award-winning author, podcast host, professor, and licensed clinical psychologist, The Family Institute at Northwestern University

Sex Matters: Honoring the Challenges and the Opportunities of the Erotic

Alexandra H. Solomon, Ph.D. Mar 5 2020

Award-winning author, podcast host, professor, and licensed clinical psychologist, The Family Institute at Northwestern University

Love, Sex, and Intimacy

Matthias Doepke, Ph.D. Feb 11 2020

HSBC Research Professor in Economics, Northwestern University

Love, Money, and Parenting: How Economics Explains the Way We Raise Our Kids

Sheila Heen, JD Douglas Stone, JD Mar 10 2014

Managing Partner at Triad Consulting Group and a Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School

The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well

Grand Rounds Presentation
Peggy Orenstein Jan 14 2020

Bestselling author and contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine.

Grand Rounds: Boys and Sex: Navigating the New Masculinity

Peggy Orenstein Jan 13 2020

Bestselling author and contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine.

Boys and Sex: Navigating the New Masculinity