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Physician at Bellevue Hospital and clinical professor of medicine at New York University
Healing: When a Nurse Becomes a Patient
Rosa Lee and Egbert Chang Professor at the University of Pennsylvania
Parent Nation: Unlocking Every Child’s Potential, Fulfilling Society’s Promise
Award-winning journalist and author, and senior lecturer and director of audio programming at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University
The Emergency: A Year of Healing and Heartbreak in a Chicago ER
Pulitzer Prize-winning senior writer for The New York Times
Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism
Board-certified preventive medicine physician, staff writer at The Atlantic, and lecturer at Yale School of Public Health.
Extra Life: A Short History of Living Longer
Stella M. Rowley Professor of Psychology and Director/Founder of the Center for Practical Wisdom, The University of Chicago
Wiser: The Scientific Roots of Wisdom, Compassion, and What Makes Us Good
Science writer, broadcaster, and researcher
The Mutant Project: Inside the Global Race to Genetically Modify Humans
Associate professor of neuroscience in Neurology and Radiology at Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) and director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Program at WCM/New York-Presbyterian Hospital
EVENT POSTPONED! Sex Differences in Alzheimer’s Risk and The Weill Cornell Women’s Brain Initiative
Associate professor of neuroscience in Neurology and Radiology at Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) and director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Program at WCM/New York-Presbyterian Hospital