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David Brendel, MD, Ph.D. Ryan Stelzer Marianne Bertrand, Ph.D. Sep 23 2021

Chris P. Dialynas Professor of Economics at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Think Talk Create: Building Workplaces Fit for Humans

Michaeleen Doucleff, Ph.D. Heidi Stevens Jun 1 2021

Chicago-based writer and Director of External Affairs for the University of Chicago’s TMW Center for Early Learning + Public Health

Hunt, Gather, Parent: Raising Happy, Healthy, Little Humans

Sarah Sentilles Sally Field May 5 2021

Two-time Academy Award and three-time Emmy Award winning actor

Stranger Care: A Memoir of Loving What Isn’t Ours

LaRayia Gaston Kriste Peoples Apr 19 2021

Producer, writer, speaker, and mindfulness meditation teacher

Love Without Reason

The Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey D. Lee Apr 20 2021

Twelfth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago (2008-2020)

Love is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times