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Mary Roth and Lisa Axelrod, Co-Founders of The Kindness Connection (TKC) Oct 20 2019

Teaching Children to be Lifelong Volunteers

Mark Jones, retired A.T.F. agent and Community Outreach Coordinator for Law Enforcement Training, and Peter Contos, Community Outreach Coordinator, Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence Oct 28 2019

Illinois Firearms Restraining Order (FRO): Do You Know What This Is? Learn About It and How it Will Help Make Our Communities Safer

Beth Miller, M.Ed., Certified Parent Coach & Sherri Simpson, Certified Reiki Master Oct 21 2019

Intentional Parenting with Peace and Presence

Lauren Bondy, LCSW, co-founder of Parenting Perspectives Oct 24 2019

Book Discussion: “Raising White Kids” by Jennifer Harvey