Evanston Art Center Presents “WHISPER OF A WORLD WITHOUT WORDS (Abbreviation)”
September 2022
Evanston Art Center 2022 Exhibition
EXHIBITION DATES: September 10 – October 9, 2022
CLOSING RECEPTION: October 1, from 3:30-6:00pm
GALLERY HOURS: Monday–Friday, 9am–6pm; Saturday and Sunday, 9am–4pm
The Evanston Art Center (EAC) is pleased to present a new exhibition, “WHISPER OF A WORLD WITHOUT WORDS (Abbreviation),” featuring works by Malika Jackson, curated by Fran Joy.
Malika Jackson’s works have been exhibited in galleries, festivals, in group and solo shows.
She received the SPARK Award-2020, a six-month residency at Hyde Park Art Center ‘THE CENTER PROGRAM.’ She recently completed solo show at the Hyde Park Art Center, and is presently showing with Sapphire and Crystals at Bridgeport Art Gallery and the Addington Gallery. She received commissions for the Ronald McDonald Houses’ – the Ryder Cup Tournament; exhibited at the Howard Brown Center, Black Clay at Chicago State, Fast Forward, Rewind: Play, HPAC, ‘From the Earth-Woman Made Gallery, Gallery D’Estees, Noyes Gallery, Museum of Science and Industry, Artopolis at the Merchandise Mart, Cliff Dwellers, and numerous other venues.
Jackson also served as curator for Women’s Made Gallery and curator and coordinated ‘Cultural Connections African Art Bazaar for 22 years.
She has been featured in ‘Curators of Dixon’; ‘Producing Local Color’ – Art Network in Ethnic Chicago’, by Diane Grams; ‘South Shore Current’.
Jackson received MFA & BFA from the School of the Art Institute, and studied at Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois. She took an artist tour of France and Italy and completed a ceramic workshop in Tuscany, Italy.
As a visual historian critical issues such as racial strife and societal divide guide my work. Through clay, paint and wood I convey stories of serenity, faith, and hope, interpreting mood, feeling and emotion. Through the elements of form and movement I create a spiritually aesthetic connection with clay and wood. In my paintings, as well as with clay and wood the female figure, in its various modalities is my focus. Through these, I create various interpretative expressions of stylized realism.
I want to stir the conscience, change thinking and start conversations towards a more understanding and accepting world. My work is my voice, to impact and emotionally move an audience, not only for now, but for perpetuity.
“WHISPER OF A WORLD WITHOUT WORDS (Abbreviation)” will be on display in the Evanston Art Center’s Lobby Gallery from September 10 – October 9, 2022, with a closing reception on Saturday, October 1 from 3:30-6:00pm. The exhibition and closing reception are free and open to the public. This project is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency and EAC’s general membership.
Evanston Art Center, a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization, is dedicated to fostering the appreciation and expression of the arts among diverse audiences. The Art Center offers extensive and innovative instruction in broad areas of artistic endeavor through classes, exhibitions, interactive arts activities, and community outreach initiatives.
Evanston Art Center is located at 1717 Central Street, Evanston, IL. Evanston Art Center Gallery Hours: Monday– Friday, 9am–6pm; Saturday and Sunday, 9am–4pm. First and second floor gallery spaces are accessible. Limited free parking is available. Masks are optional but strongly recommended for students, visitors, and staff.
For more information, please visit us online at www.evanstonartcenter.org or contact Audrey Avril, Manager of Exhibitions, at 847.475.5300 or aavril@evanstonartcenter.org. Visit the Evanston Art Center on Facebook: www.facebook.com/EvanstonArtCenter/, follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/#!/evartcenter, or on Instagram: @EvanstonArtCenter.
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