Rep. John Lewis
U.S. Representative, Georgia's 5th congressional district
Andrew Aydin
National Book Award winner and co-author, with Rep. John Lewis, of the "March" graphic novel trilogy.
“March”: An Evening with Rep. John Lewis and Andrew Aydin
When John Lewis, the U.S. Representative for Georgia’s 5th District and an American Icon known for his role in the civil rights movement, was a college student in Nashville, Tennessee, he attended a workshop on nonviolence that changed his life. Based on the principles of Gandhi and the recent Montgomery Bus Boycott, it also included a comic book — Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story — as a take-home study aid in nonviolent resistance. “That little book became like a Bible for us,” says Rep. Lewis. Fifty years later, he teamed with co-writer Andrew Aydin, his Congressional Digital Director and Policy Advisor, and artist Nate Powell to adapt his own incredible life story into a 3-part series of award-winning graphic novels, entitled March. The March series is a #1 New York Times-bestselling phenomenon, earning a Robert F. Kennedy Book Award, becoming a popular selection for university reading programs, and prompting the Washington Post to write, “There is perhaps no more important modern book to be stocked in American school libraries than March.”
NOTE: Rep. Lewis and Mr. Aydin spoke at two FAN events on Monday, August 29, 2016.
Event 1: 3:00 PM, Loyola University Chicago School of Law, 25 E. Pearson St., Chicago.
Event 2: 7:00 PM, Evanston Township High School Auditorium, 1600 Dodge Ave., Evanston.

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